
Track Record

Offshore Oil & Gas

Onshore Oil & Gas

Clean Energy

IMR & Decommissioning

IMR & Decommissioning

LH11-1/4-1 Decommissioning

LH11-1/4-1 Oilfield locates at Pearl River Mouth Basin, about 220km southeast of HK. It produces from subsea production trees to one FPS and one FPSO. The plan is to decommissioned the FPS and FPSO before installing the new DPP and FPSO.



Deepwater IFUB (Umbilical) Repair

April 2023, an umbilical was found pulled out of SDA-UTA and fell to nearby seabed in South China Sea deepwater gasfield. The UTH, EFL and OFL were found damaged and the production were temporary suspended. Emergency repair work was required in water depth about 520m.



Chevron Topside Decommissioning

COOEC’s first international offshore decommissioning project, 4 topsides were decommissioned in only 12 days at Gulf of Thailand, in water depth of 70 meters.



HK Offshore Met Mast Decommissioning

COOEC’s first suction piles offshore decommissioning project. This project use a self-elevating vessel for lifting. The structure was dismantled on vessel deck. The worksite is located in Hong Kong. The water depth is 28.7m.



CHEVRON TFPSO Decommissioning

COOEC’s first FPSO disconnection, towing and subsea facilities decommissioning project. The worksite is located at Gulf of Thailand. The water depth is 73.7m.



About Us

Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. is a listed company controlled by China National Offshore Oil Corporation. It is the only large general contracting company in China with capacities to undertake the design, procurement, construction, offshore installation, commissioning and maintenance of offshore oil and gas development projects, as well as the liquefied natural gas, offshore wind power, refining and chemical projects, etc. It is also one of the largest and the most competitive EPCI (engineering, procurement, construction and installation) contractors of offshore oil and gas projects in the Asia-Pacific region. The Company is headquartered in Binhai New Area, Tianjin. It was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Short Name: COOEC, Stock Symbol: 600583) on February 2002.

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